Sudden Death in the Young Case Registry

The SUID (Sudden Unexpected Infant Death) and SDY (Sudden Death in the Young) Case Registry serves as an important resource for families coping with the sudden loss of a child. This registry compiles information about young individuals who pass away unexpectedly. It includes infants, children, and young adults up to the age of 20.

Death investigators face challenges in pinpointing the reasons behind sudden deaths in young people. Similarly, public health agencies struggle to accurately tally the occurrences of these tragic events. As a result, doctors, scientists, and grieving families lack a comprehensive understanding of how frequently these deaths occur and what factors contribute to them.

The Case Registry aims to address these gaps. By systematically collecting and storing information related to sudden child deaths, it serves several crucial purposes:

Counting and Categorizing Deaths

The registry tracks the number and types of sudden deaths in infants, children, and young adults up to age 20*. This data helps create a clearer picture of the scale of these losses.

Investigating Causes

Researchers analyze the collected data to uncover patterns and potential causes behind these tragic events. Understanding the underlying factors is essential for prevention efforts.

Risk Assessment

By examining the registry data, experts can identify whether certain children are more vulnerable to these sudden deaths. This knowledge informs targeted interventions.

Preventing Future Tragedies

Armed with insights from the case registry, public health initiatives can develop strategies to prevent similar deaths in the future.

The registry operates across participating states and regions, fostering collaboration among professionals, families, and communities. Together, we strive to honor the memories of these young lives by working toward a safer and healthier future. Follow this link to seeĀ participating states and regions.